Matthew Jacoby – Leader/Founder
The book of Psalms is the songbook of the Bible. In its original setting it had a very practical purpose. It was the primary way in which the ancient biblical faith was imparted from one generation to the next.
Within the Psalms is encapsulated, in poetic form, expressions of what the rest of the Bible calls for: It is the heart of love for God. Whether the expression is that of painful lament or jubilant praise, the orientation of the heart of the psalmist is always toward God, longing for him, seeking him, enjoying him and glorifying him.
The faith of the Bible is not a religion of mechanical rituals but a matter of the heart, of the innermost being. It is about relationship with God, the liberation of the will and the life of true spiritual worship. Music is the language of the heart and it is for this language that the Psalms were written; from the heart of God welling up in the heart of man and transforming the hearts of the hearer and singer alike.
In a modern world that is so materialistic, where pleasure is sought instead of joy, and where spirituality is just another supermarket product the Psalms are more relevant than ever. They lead us onto a spiritual pathway that is thousands of years old, tried and tested over time and found again and again to be fruitful and true. It is not the romanticised spirituality of our over-entertained imaginations but the real and authentic road to God.
The Psalms were treasured and often quoted by our savior Jesus Christ and in fact it was the language of the Psalms that he turned to in his hour of greatest suffering. The book of Psalms is a treasure chest for the soul and I believe it is music that makes these divinely inspired verses fi t in the deep places of the heart where we need them the most. They were written as songs and the Sons of Korah project gives them a musical form once again.

It has been the most enriching artistic challenge and has profoundly affected all those who have come along side to be a part of this project over the years. As I have come to realise more of the reality of God in my life, the Psalms have repeatedly helped me to define and develop what has emerged in my heart with each step of the way. It has been a wonderful journey, not always an easy one, but I am thankful for the opportunity to serve God in this way.