After the Holland tour we headed to the UK for a short stint of events there with another great friend from the UK Bible Society, Rob Cotton. We played at the Bible Society head office, the mother ship of all Bible societies really, and formed a great bond with the crew there. In May 2010 we returned to the UK for another string of events including lots of Radio spots all over the UK including 6 BBC stations. We finished this tour at a big event at Westminster Central Hall in London.

In 2010 we also welcomed Bruce Walker into the band to replace Mike McCarthy who continued to focus on his own music. Bruce filled the role that both Jayden and Mike have filled in the past playing resonator, mandolin and nylon string guitar. Rod Gear continued to be a big part of the project but more as time in the studio and less on the road.

As an avenue for us to express our gratitude to God for all that He has given us, we launched our own artist development label in 2010 – Many people have helped us along the way and we wanted to take the opportunity to help others in their musical endeavours.
The purpose of this non-profit label is to develop artists that we feel have an outstanding music ministry. For many years Ann-Maree Keefe had been our backing vocalist both on our CD’s and in many of our live events. We were therefore delighted when Ann-Maree agreed to be the first artist on our new label When we later heard her exquisitely crafted songs we knew that her debut album was going to be something special. In June 2010 we released Time of the Day to much acclaim.