Finally we have Psalm 110 available and released through our APP to in-app subscribers. It’s been great to share some of the journey of where these Psalms begin and how so many people contribute to bring them to their full glory.

Rod Gear has been a key part of the Sons of Korah project since the very beginning. Here we see Rod recording some of his iconic Double Bass playing for Psalm 110 – a proclamation of God’s might and power.
This video begins with Gareth Skinner (a regular contributor to SOK records) warming up before recording some cello parts for Psalm 110. The video then shows Gareth recording some of the more ambient cello parts for this Psalm.
We’ve already shared some of the initial drum guide tracks Rod was putting down with Matt and Spike in the studio. When it comes to actually trying to produce the final sound of the drums for a particular Psalm (in this instance Psalm 110), we sometimes have to go to rather extraordinary lengths to get the big sound we are looking for. In the video below, filmed by one of the engineers on their phone, you’ll note there are about 4 or 5 microphones scattered around the house in different locations, all picking up a different aspect of the sound from the drum kit. These are then mixed together to acheive the unique desired sound for the track. (This is just to record one of the many layers of drums you’ll hear on the track). You’ll see Spike, our amazing producer, engineer and bass player, with the headphones on trying to figure out where the noise is coming from!