Psalm 8 – Released

As we continue to add to our 2021 album release ‘Man of Sorrows’ here we add Psalm 8, with Anna from the band taking the lead vocal for this track. The full track is available for Subscribers in our latest album.

Psalm 8 is a psalm that celebrates God’s creation. In doing so the Psalmist reflects on the creation narrative in Genesis chapter 1. Here God’s work of creation culminates in the creation of humankind who are made to reflect God’s image and rule over creation (Genesis 1:26-28). The psalmist marvels at the majesty of the universe above him which leads him to wonder at the high place of humanity in God’s purpose. The dignity of humankind is set against the grandeur of God’s creation. That we should be the object of God’s special attention despite being infinitesimally dwarfed by the grandeur and scale of the universe is the central theme of praise here. The psalmist turns from the majesty of the moon and stars to the dignity of human beings who were made “a little lower than God” (vs.5 NLT). The word translated God here is ‘Elohim’ which can also be translated as “heavenly beings” (i.e. angels). Our adaptation of this line has followed the Word Biblical Commentary which argues, “the translation God is almost certainly correct, and the words probably contain an allusion to the image of God in mankind and the God-given role of dominion to be exercised by mankind within the created order.” This translation seems to fit the context of the psalm best. The psalm celebrates the close relationship between man and God and the inherent dignity of humanity in the scheme of creation. The psalm invites us through the act of praise to step up into our inherent dignity as human beings. Even the child who connects with this truth, through the act of praise, becomes indomitable (vs.2). The act of praise is an act of reflection. As we recognise and celebrate the glory of God, so we also reflect that glory. As we recognise and celebrate power of God, so we are empowered to fulfil our high human calling.

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