Reflections – Psalm 116

Psalm 116 is a testimonial and thanksgiving psalm. It is a psalm of public edification and it is also a psalm of self-edification. The psalmist is not only seeking to glorify God before others but he is seeking to bolster his own love for God and trust in God by recalling what God has done. … Continued

A brief history – 2010

After the Holland tour we headed to the UK for a short stint of events there with another great friend from the UK Bible Society, Rob Cotton. We played at the Bible Society head office, the mother ship of all Bible societies really, and formed a great bond with the crew there. In May 2010 … Continued

A brief history – 2009 Pt.2

The other great highlight of 2009 was our tour in the Netherlands. The story of how we got to be there is one of our greatest testimonies of divine providence. It all began when a friend of ours, Jeremy van der Noord, from my hometown of Geelong went to work at a Christian hostel in … Continued

A brief history – 2009 Pt.1

2009 saw Rod right back in the swing of things again as we recorded yet another studio album, Rain. We spent more time and money on Rain than any of our albums before. In August of 2008 we played at a conference in Melbourne where we met Bill Johnson, from California. Bill invited us to … Continued

A brief history – 2007

In 2007, in addition to all the Australian and New Zealand gigs we were doing, we returned for another two tours to the USA. Toward the end of the year Jayden and Caroline decided that they would remain in the USA to live. Jayden was due to do the second USA tour and then would … Continued

A brief history – 2005

By 2005 we were playing over eighty gigs a year with lots of travel. We had a really good touring circuit around Australia and the year before we had been to New Zealand four times. I was on staff at my Church now and Kate and I had two kids. Naturally we had to spread … Continued

A brief history – 2004

By 2004 Rod was keen to have a break from the band. While his break would be temporary, his replacement Mike (Spike) Avery would become a permanent member of the band. The circumstances that lead to Spike joining the band were again a strange mix of tragedy and providence. We were about to head off … Continued

A brief history – 2003

Written by Matthew Jacoby – founder Sons of Korah. Rod Gear and I toured as a duo around Australia and New Zealand right up to 2003. All our tours were organized either by, or in conjunction with the Bible Society. In a way they acted as our management in each state. During that time we … Continued

A brief history – 2000

Matthew Jacoby – Founder/Leader Our first attempt at serious touring was in 2000. We managed to convince a whole lot of churches to host concerts for us. Our promotional material, all produced by CMCA, presented well and the idea of a concert of the Psalms seemed to appeal to pastors. We had concerts organised up … Continued

A brief history – 1998

Matthew Jacoby – Founder Leader In 1998, with Jason temporarily back in the band, we decided to record a proper studio album. We got a cheap deal with a new recording studio in town and prepared to record our strange collection of Psalms. I marked the sessions in my diary: three days for recording, mainly … Continued

A brief history – 1997

Matthew Jacoby – Founder/Leader In some ways I feel like the proper beginning of the band was 1997, because up to this point, everything was so casual and undefined. It seems that we spent the first few years waiting to start but not knowing how. By this time Jason had decided to go his own … Continued

A brief history – 1996

Matthew Jacoby – Founder/Leader The early years up to 1996 are very blurry but I think the reason I can’t remember much is because there isn’t actually much to remember. We had a band with a name but really didn’t do more than a handful of small gigs a year. In 1996 we recorded an … Continued

A brief history – 1993

Matthew Jacoby – Founder/Leader The first advertised Sons of Korah gig that I remember was a night in 1993 at Deakin University in Geelong organized by the overseas Christian students group.In 1993 I was in my second year of a Bachelor of Theology at the Reformed Theological College (RTC) in Geelong. I had left school … Continued

A brief history – The Psalms

Matthew Jacoby – Leader/Founder The book of Psalms is the songbook of the Bible. In its original setting it had a very practical purpose. It was the primary way in which the ancient biblical faith was imparted from one generation to the next. Within the Psalms is encapsulated, in poetic form, expressions of what the … Continued

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